Product Guide: High Polish Brass Lighter Bundle hidden

Standard case shape featuring rounded corners and top with a flat bottom. A five-barrel hinge joins the top and the bottom.

Standard insert with 16 holes in the chimney (8 per side).

Bottom Stamp
Bottom stamp with Zippo logo from the period authenticates these lighters as genuine Zippo.

Unless otherwise stated, every Zippo windproof lighter is packaged in the 'one box'. The patented 'one box' is attractive, easy to handle, and designed to display more of the lighter than ever.
Zippo lighter fluid is great for filling:

Windproof LightersÂ
When your windproof lighter is out of fluid, fill your windproof lighter with Zippo lighter fluid. Hold the lighter in one hand. Use the other hand to remove the insert. Fill slowly and never over fill. You can do this by lifting the felt pad to reveal the packing material in the fuel chamber. Saturate the packing with Zippo lighter fluid. Stop filling when fuel reaches top of the packing.

Hand Warmers
To fill your hand warmer with lighter fluid,pour Zippo lighter fluid into the appropriate 6 or 12 hour plastic filling cup provided in the package. Then carefully and slowly pour the contents of the filling cup in to the filling hole on the Hand Warmer body, while maintaining the Hand Warmer in an upright position.Â

Fuel Canisters
Refill the fuel canister with Zippo lighter fluid when the canister is empty.
How to Replace the Flint:

Step 1
First remove the insert from the lighter case.

Step 2
Using a small screw driver or a coin, slowly remove the spring. The spring has tension so be sure it doesn't fly away.

Step 3
Remove the remaining piece of flint by gently tapping the insert against a hard surface. Once it is removed, use an unfolded paper clip to remove any stubborn flint slivers or residue from the flint tube.

Step 4
Insert a new flint into the flint tube.
Step 5
Replace the flint spring and turn clockwise until tight. If the screw isn't fully tightened the lid will not close.
Step 6
After fully tightening the spring you may want to keep extra flints under the felt pad so you always have them handy for future use.
Step 7
Put the insert back into the lighter case and make sure the lid can fully close. If the flint wheel binds, turn the wheel backwards a few times.
How to Replace the Wick:
Step 1
First, remove all components from the bottom of the lighter insert; flint screw, felt pad, packing material, and the old wick.Â
Step 2
To replace the wick, insert a new wick either downward through the chimney or through the bottom of the lighter insert.Â
Step 3
Next, bend the top portion of the wick over the chimney to hold it on place during assembly.
Step 4
Then, carefully reinstall the packing material in the same order it was taken out. As you are reinstalling in small pieces weave the wick between the padding in an 'S' pattern.
Step 5
Reinstall the felt pads over the flint tube and secure it with the flint spring. Be sure the flint does not fall out during this process.
Step 6
Once your components are reinstalled put the insert back into the case and trim the wick. The lighter is ready to go.