Zippo and Case Knives Celebrate Silver Anniversary Of Joining Forces
Iconic American Brands Will Mark 25 Years of Unified Ownership
with Zippo/Case Museum Festivities on July 21
This year, Zippo Manufacturing Company commemorates the 25th anniversary of its acquisition of the W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company brand, a moment that marked the unification of two iconic American manufacturers rooted in Bradford, PA. On Saturday, July 21, Zippo and Case will host a day-long Silver Anniversary Celebration of this momentous occasion at the Zippo/Case Museum in Bradford. The event is free and open to the public.
“Twenty-five years ago, we united two brands that represent the essence of what it means to be proudly made in America,” said Mark Paup, President and CEO, Zippo and Case. “With more than two centuries of history between them, Zippo and Case have been intertwined into some of this country’s most significant moments, and we couldn’t be more excited to see what the future has in store as both brands continue to grow.”
Since joining the Zippo family of brands, Case has seen numerous significant and notable landmarks. In 2014, the brand celebrated its 125th anniversary with a nearly $10 million renovation of their Bradford-based factory. The renovations included a complete remodel of the factory that was originally constructed in 1975, including new equipment and floor configurations that allowed for better efficiency, productivity and quality.
In May 2018, Case unveiled its new website, caseknives.com, to help create a seamless user experience and offer expanded e-commerce opportunities for consumers. In addition to significantly enhanced search capabilities, the new website also provides a level of personalization not previously offered by the brand.
For event updates and Zippo/Case Museum news, visit zippocasemuseum.com or follow the museum and the event page on Facebook (@ZippoCaseMuseum). To learn more about Zippo follow the brand on Facebook (@Zippo), Instagram (@OriginalZippo) and Twitter (@Zippo). To learn more about Case, visit caseknives.com or follow the brand (@WRCase) on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.